Cyprus Citizenship By Investment Program

About Cyprus

Cyprus is an important hub in the heart of the Mediterranean connecting Europe, Asia, and Africa. This country is diverse, culturally rich and geographically beautiful. Some say that this is Europe’s paradise, a perfect place to get away from the stressful life in modern cities. This island has more than 300 sunny days in a year, has very mild winters and the largest number of blue flag beaches per coastal line in the world. This heavenly island is where Aphrodite, goddess of love was born according to Greek mythology. Cyprus is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

Cyprus has a very favorable tax regime for individuals and companies residing there. Over 80% of the country speaks English and there are excellent education facilities including several UK universities with campuses on the island. Cyprus has the lowest crime rate in Europe and is the 5th safest country in the world.

Cypriot Citizenship Advantages

Having Cyprus citizenship has multiple advantages.

First of all, this country is EU member since 2004. This means you will have open access to live, study and work in EU countries. It has very low tax rates and it’s in free trade zone with EU.

It’s important to say that this is the safest country in the world with a population under 5 million.

It has very good educational system as well as very developed healthcare.

With this passport you are able to travel VISA free to over 150 countries worldwide, this includes Canada and Australia.

How to get citizenship by investment in Cyprus?

Obtaining passport by investment is pretty easy and straightforward. Approval of citizenship application happens within 6 months.

You need to invest at least 2 million EUR in the country.

Note that we said invest. This means that unlike many other countries Cyprus doesn’t require you to simply donate money to the government. You either invest into local business or buy property in the country. This means that you can get your money back at one point and even make a profit while getting their citizenship! Combination of investments is possible.

The investor must retain the investment for only 3 years after which he is free to realize it.

If you invested in real estate at the end of the 3-year period the investment can be reduced to a 500 000 EUR residential property which should be held indefinitely.

The applicant can make multiple property purchases, so long as the total value of 2 million EUR is retained for 3 years, and as the total value of the residential property owned indefinitely in Cyprus remain equal to or above 500 000 EUR.

In case of investing money in local business or government bonds, you are still required to have real estate worth at least 500 000 EUR which you will have to keep indefinitely, even after you obtained citizenship.

Cyprus Citizenship By Investment

Citizenship is granted to parents, spouse and dependent children of the investor. For each parent, it requires another 500 000EUR investment.

Once you get their passport you will not have to relinquish your current nationality, since dual nationality is allowed.

Residence policies are very flexible once you obtain passport, which means that you don’t actually have to reside in Cyprus. However, it’s important to note that by obtaining Cyprus citizenship and passport you don’t automatically become tax resident of Cyprus unless you spend more than 183 days in the country in one calendar year.

Also, one important thing to note is that an investment through a company or fund or foundation is possible, provided that there is a proven correlation between the investor and the company or fund or foundation.

Language test is not required in order to get Cyprus citizenship which is another big advantage. You don’t have to go through interviews or medical tests in order to qualify.

In our opinion this is probably the best citizenship by investment program for multiple reasons:

-First of all, you get a very good passport that allows you to travel to multiple countries VISA free.

-Very good tax policy

-Investment is actually an investment and doesn’t mean donating your money. You actually keep your money and have a high chance of making good interest of it.

Dual citizenship allowed YES
Investment required 2 million EUR in real estate
Time Citizenship within 6 months
Family members YES
Visa free access 171
Who doesn’t qualify /

Author: Michael Rosmer

Traveler, researcher, entrepreneur... For years I've traveled the world with an insatiable lust for learning how the world works, how to find the greatest advantages, the little hacks, insights and opportunities. I've been frustrated by others not being diligent, missing details and as a result sharing subpar information so here we are to give you a holistic picture hopefully free of biases and just giving you the practical details that will make a difference to you.